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Our Governors

Our Vision


As Governors of Bhylls Acre Primary, we are privileged and proud to be involved in the leadership of such a caring, happy and nurturing school.  We are committed to ensuring that all children receive the very best opportunities so they each achieve their potential.  Everything we do and every decision we make as a Governing Board will always put the best interests of the children at the centre. 


We will ensure that we carry out they key functions of a governing board in line with the school value and ethos, working with transparency, integrity, fairness and rigour.


  • We will work collaboratively with the Headteacher and staff to ensure that the school has a clear vision, ethos and knows where it is heading, informed by the views and opinions of all stakeholders.

  • We will support and rigorously challenge the school so that we are confident that children receive the very best teaching, an engaging and stimulating curriculum as well as a wide range of memorable experiences to help them grow and flourish.

  • We will ensure that the school is financially well-managed and that the money it receives is well spent, always with the best interest of the children and families in mind. 

  • We will take every opportunity to ask the right questions so that:

  • All children and their families are able to access the highest quality learning, supported by the very best resources 

  • We know the school well, both its strengths and things which may need to be developed

  • Expectations of behaviour, teaching, and attitudes to learning are high 

  • Teaching is the best it can be and responds to the needs of all children 

  • That all groups of children, boys, girls, more able, vulnerable learners and children with additional needs receive quality learning opportunities matched to their needs, so they are able to make the progress they deserve

  • We know how well the school is performing and are proactive in taking steps to constantly improve practice 

  • Children are safeguarded and that they feel safe, happy and look forward to learning

  • The school is aware of the different ways that children learn and is willing to embrace new ways of working 

  • We recognise each child’s uniqueness, foster acceptance, tolerance and respect and celebrate diversity, ensuring all children have high expectations of themselves and of the school

  • That all stakeholders, children, staff families and the community have a voice and are able to contribute to school life

  • That everyone’s wellbeing is at the heart of what we do, so that all children, staff, parents and families feel happy, welcomed, included and valued 

  • That Governors are visible, approachable, accountable, knowledgeable and a part of everyday school life


We are very fortunate to serve on the Governing Board of Bhylls Acre Primary school and are committed to providing the best experiences for our children.  We highly value the input of all our stakeholders – please do contact us if you have any questions, concerns or suggestions as to how we can make Bhylls Acre Primary even more special than it already is. 

Local Governing Body

All of the Governors listed above have voting rights.

You can read about the separation of responsibilities between members, trustees and the local governing body on our MAT site. 

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No Longer Governing

Local Governor Attendance 2024/2025

To view our Local Governor Attendance for Previous Years please click here

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Bhylls Acre Primary School is an Academy within the Ignite Learning Partnership which is a private company limited by guarantee, with charitable status, registered in England and Wales (company number: 10773530) and whose registered office address is at St Stephen's C of E Primary School, Woden Road, Wolverhampton, West Midlands, WV10 0BB.


Copyright © 2025 by Bhylls Acre Primary School.

Website Design & Management by JH Solutions

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